Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for another list

here they are

1: I cut today, see the following for reasons as to why

2: went to andrea's house yesterday and the day before that, allways fun until the end, when the sudden realization that i have to go home settles in

3: at the end of my visit to andrea's house, i got really really depressed really fast. like *BOOM* im depressed now. "see you monday, I hope" thank you andrea, if it werent for those words, i really dont think i would be going into school tomorow.

4: my parents keep bitching at me to do chores which ive allready done, or do hw which ive already done.

5: forced, expected, and real made me think

6: my dad keeps harping on me to do scout shit

7: my dad keeps yelling at me cuz apparently im not a good enuf football player

8: my brother keeps belittling me (i think thats the word...)

9: i feel like running away.

10: I still am getting constant headaches.

11: my back still hurts like a mother fucker

12: well i have to go do more fucking chores, more on this later.

1 comment:

Tree Wizard said...

You know what carl?

I love you more, but equally the same, as how much you love me.
