Saturday, September 15, 2007

football game

ok so i went to the football game last night, churchil won like 49-0 but i didnt rly watch the game.

i got there right at the opening kickoff, wohoo.

andrea got there at about the end of the first quarter and i hung out with her for the rest of the time, which was fun and memorable.

kelly kept trying to shove her foot up my ass which hurt, i broke up a fight, made fun of Salem's freshmen cuz they sucked, andrea did something that surprised me but i liked it, talked with tom, got in a shit load of headlocks, watched the halftime show, hugged/cuddled with andrea alot.

drove andrea home, went home, watched football.

wewnt to the chiroractor today, they're gonna take xrays next week.

my parents are goin to the michigan game today, anyone wanna hang out?
i was gonna have my bro drive me and andrea to go see balls of fury, but she might be having a party today, but if she does im goin.

but my plans usually dont work so if anyone wants to hang out just call the home phone.

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