Sunday, September 13, 2009

We run on the fumes of injustice, we'll never die with the fuel that you give us

My parents filled my tank :]

I can drive to school this week!

I got the new used album (thank you, love!)

My Eagle prject is really going to be balls out now, the deadline is hopefully the 2nd monday in november. I'm going to need a lot of help with physical labor, it's not hard, just long. (The longest part will be sanding).

We're making 100 of these (out of pine, not oak)

88 of them will be unfinished, so the families that are doing homeschooling for Catechism due to scheduling conflicts/special needs can decorate them. 12 will be finished for classrooms within St. Kenneth's social hall.

I've got to get a presentation of money/time/hours/safety/etc. by a week from tomorrow, then start working on it the week after that.

I'm estimating 3-4 days for making the 88 unfinished ones (one day for cutting out the basic template, one for rounding and sanding, and another 2 for any extra things we have to do) they're the only ones with a deadline (the 2nd monday in novemeber), the other 12 can be done whenever.

I have to get costs and somehow do a fundraiser for it. I'll probably just ask to go up to the alter in church and beg for money like all the priests I hate. But mine really is all volunteer work.

I'll need at least 2 router tables, I have one, does anyone out there know anyone else who would let me borrow it for 2 Saturdays in October?

If you're interested, please let me know. All volunteer work is appreciated!


Josh said...

if i had a saturday free in october, i would help you out... but somehow i wound up with every single friday and saturday all of september and october booked, and im gonna have to find time to build that damn bridge...

Tree Wizard said...

I think my dad has one, but I'm not too sure. There's lots of shit in his garage and I don't pay attention to most of it. But I can help you sand and stuff of course.