Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jimmy Says It's Better Than Air

This will play out interestingly

If Andrea's mom decides to call my parents, my parents' reactions will be interesting.

I imagine my dad would ground me and keep my mom from doing anything too bad. I'd probably lose my phone and the car for a while (until indoor season probably). No doubt they'd try and do something with my bong/bubbler(if they are told about it). Maybe I'd be forced to go to therapy again, but I think I'd be able to talk myself out of it, the whole "I'm a teenager" thing.

So to counteract that, I'm going to fin someone's house to stash my bong at and hide my bubbler somewhere absurdly hard to reach along with all of my other paraphernalia.

Here's my defence:
My grades haven't changed,
It relieves stress
It helps me after a workout
It helps me sleep
It's social
It's not nearly as bad as drinking
I don't smoke tobacco
I'm still working out
I've never been retarded enough to be caught
I've never brought weed to school
I've never smoked just to smoke (smoke socially)
I haven't gotten in trouble at school since 6th grade, so obviously it hasn't made me into a monster
I don't deal
I don't save money to buy it (I'm an opportunist stoner)
I don't normally plan on doing it
I'm not relying on it
I don't drive on it
I keep everyone within normalcy
At least it's not crack :D

Alternatively, she may choose not to tell my parents and hold it above our heads,

which would be interesting, and mark that she understands her own limits

If she asks me why she shouldn't tell my parents;

I don't deal
I don't endanger anyone else when I'm high
It's really none of her business telling my parents because the only thing she knows is that I have received a bong from Andrea, everything else could be word of mouth
I'll tell them when I'm ready
If she doesn't want me to, I will not smoke with Andrea,
I'm not her kid; not her problem
I didn't get her daughter to smoke first
We are opportunists
Taking things away from her daughter is only going to make her want to cut or do drugs more, not make her want to be an angel,
She has no idea what's going on in my family's life and telling them of this could be absolutely devastating to my family
I don't expect things to ever be the same between me and anyone in her family

If worse comes to worst, she can search me everythime I enter her house :p

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