Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Everyday seems a little bit worse to me,
They hold me down,
Every one,
Two days ago I was tired, but happy,
Yesterday I was fine, then I found out my dad had spent the day in the hospital, sick,
Today was ok until I went to track, where I was told to shut up and stop whinning because I suggested that we not work out the the team and instead set up the pits, then everyone who has ever had anything against me all got together and talked like I wasnt there,
The, on the rie home, I was informed that my mother is now unemployed and we have no insurance.

Great life

Oh, and it seems like everyday the depression I was trying to fight out of bights me a little more; today I played with the idea of breaking up with andrea simply because then I could choose to kill myself whenever.

I'm making a notebook of my memories from my past, maybe someday someone will want to read it.

1 comment:

Tree Wizard said...

That hurt more than you will ever know.