Wednesday, November 26, 2008

i wont be caught living in a dead end job

well, my brother's coming home.

it's actually a surprise. apparently he got fired from his job and he has to leave his appartment by noon tomorow. so my parents just wired him some money so he could fly home. this is going to be an interesting weekend.

my mom's got another migrane, wiling and wiling away. i feel no sumpathy for her.

my sister's friend kyle came over today, he's an albino farmer, tall, muscular, kind of socially awkward.

ive been finding myself mimicking what i did two summers ago. it feels at some points that im watching a movie instead of actually living my life. Im not sure if it's a bad thing or a good thing. i feel indifferent, not caring about it, but knowing its there. I answere everything based off of first thought, i dont even think about or comprehend the question before i answere, and most of the times its the right answer. am i normal?

i bleed alot now, lots of nose bleeds for absolutely nothing, always the right nostral.


sigh, cant think of anything to say so ill just type as im thinking of it wow i take a long time to type why am i still typing like this and why do i have absolutely no punctuation.... why'd i have to stop and think of how to spell punctuation? shouldnt i know that by now? wow i jusy typed know instead of now i beat this is getting really really boring for anyone reading this but thats ok because i dont really care because if you are still reading this then maybe you actually care about me or maybe you're just trying to learn something.

im thinking that im gonna ask for either SPORE the game for xmas or across the universe dvd.

im really really really lazy lately and i dont know why.

oh shit polevault start in like a week or two...

sometimes i wish people could just peek inside my head to see if i really am messed up or if its just things that can be fixed. somedays i wonder if i have brain damage. somedays i wonder if i should even bother waking up. somedays i wish i hadnt gotten up. somedays i wish the world will end in 2012. somedays i wish i was really really god at one thing instead of being ok to good in many things. i always feel emotionally vulnerable.

1 comment:

Tree Wizard said...

I love you.
And your streams of consciousness/unconsciousness.

A lot.

See you later love <3
Do I get to see you Saturday or Sunday too?